Make Kingfisher High school Great Again


Not only is the student body electing presidential officials but also the United States president. Republican candidate Donald Trump is in the frontlines of this political war, which also includes Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump has a bad rap with most people but the both of us agree on several political disputes including Donald Trump’s controversial wall across the United States of America and the Mexican border. In 2013 border patrol has proven that 57% of 414,397 illegal aliens have been arrested.

Donald Trump and Pence are both pro-life, against killing defenseless babies still in the womb, our otherwise known as abortion. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton strongly supports gun control, but like many others Donald Trump believes in the 2nd amendment and realizes that only law abiding citizens would turn in their guns.  That leaves law abiding citizens unarmed against armed law breakers. Gun control has been implemented in other countries where murders and crime have both gone up such as Australia. Although current president Barak Obama has stated that “We must ban all assault weapons because federal background checks simply don’t work” but allowed over 100,000 Muslim refugee into America reassuring our safety by informing us that all refuges would receive back round checks although he stated that they simply don’t work.

Donald Trump believes that we have to be firm and strong with the Isis people. Donald Trump wants to take away all the oil being produced in the Syrian countries that Isis has control of to stop some of the income Isis is receiving.  On July 8th 2015 presidential candidate Donald Trump stated “I would bomb the hell out of Iranian oil fields!”, while in a heated interview  with CNN’s reporter Anderson Cooper.  Although other presidential candidates criticize Donald Trump’s plan for Isis, many people such as Bernie Sanders have other first priorities such as climate change as he stated “That climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism” while Hillary Clinton does not want to send any troops to fight Islamic terrorist group Isis. Although though neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton are the best candidates for presidents sometimes “sometimes you just got to find the shiniest poo in the toilet” and although not perfect Donald Trump is easily the best candidate for president to “Make America Great again”