Pokémon Go Debunked

Pokémon Go is a game where you physically walk around, go to Pokestops, catch Pokémon, fight gyms, and hatch eggs. What makes it so special is the fact that you look through your phone camera to see the Pokémon; that can be a problem when it comes to traffic. Surprisingly enough, there have been no accidents involving Pokémon Go. I’m writing this to debunk the Pokémon Go stereotypes.

First of all, some non-Pokémon Go player’s think the players of the game will get ran over. At the time this was written no one has been run over…yet. Another speculation is that all people who play Pokémon Go are huge gamers. This is not true because my mom and some of my friends don’t play games frequently because of the release of Pokémon Go I play it get the chance to play with my mom and friends.

Finally, Pokémon Go is not a pay to win game. Pay to win games make it to where in order to beat it or win anything, you need to pay money to get special items, like in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, where you can pay money for “supply drops” and get special items that make you super strong. This is where Pokestops come in; at Pokestops you can collect Poke balls and Potions to heal your Pokémon. To sum it all up, Pokémon Go is a cool game, but still has a ways to go. Until then, Charizard, here I come!