Pokémon Go Review

It’s the game that’s trending, Pokémon GO is the game that everyone is playing! Everyone is out walking to catch the animated characters on their mobile devices. Pokémon GO is a great way to meet new people, and a great way to get exercise.

There have been recorded accidents though, by people not watching where they’re going. This game will get you addicted if you’re not careful, but it does drain your device’s battery though. You can get in trouble from this game, people have nearly gotten arrested from trespassing.

Even though it has all this negativity, Pokémon GO is the highest ranked app on Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store. Pokémon Go, believe it or not, is a huge hit. Pokémon Go allows this generation of “lazy” kids to be out in the real world and off the couch. Battling against that emptiness are a few key things that keep Pokémon Go together.

In order to power up or evolve a Pokémon you’ve captured, you have to catch copies of the same kind. That will to find all of them keeps players walking and going out at night, no matter what time it is.

Right now, Pokémon GO is an incredible, can’t-miss social experience — like Pokémon is actually real and everyone is on board. So, is it worth it? All of this, even if it’s not too complicated, encourages more walking around, which it keeps everyone playing and encountering each other.

Parents can’t yell at kids anymore for being indoors too long, which in turn feeds the real-world aspect that makes Pokémon GO special. It’s just a matter of whether people continue to play.